Terms & Conditions

Please read our Terms of Service carefully before placing an order.

  • Craigsmanuals.net’s use of any product or manufacturer name is for informational purposes only.  We have no association with any product or manufacturer that might be mentioned.
  • The fee for downloading a manual covers the cost of operation and maintenance of this website.
  • The operators of this website take no legal responsibility for any damages to yourself, your computer or any other items related to the use of the manuals offered on this website.  You assume full responsibility for any damages done to your vehicle as a result of any information found on this website.
  • No personal information is collected through our website. Our checkout system uses Paypal or Stripe, which are trusted 3rd party payment processors.  No personal data is ever stored on our server.
  • No refunds are available for any reason due to the nature of the products and services we offer.  However if you have an issue with your manual we will provide assistance in a timely manner.
  • By downloading any program, file or service manual from Craigsmanuals.net you agree to take full responsibility for your own actions.
  • By downloading any program, file or service manual from Craigsmanuals.net you agree to the sales terms stated above.

If we can provide additional assistance of any kind please feel free to contact us and tell us what you need.

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